When we prepare an estate plan, we want you to leave with more than a plan -- we want you to leave with peace of mind.

Estate Planning Is for Everyone

People often think that they don’t need a will. They believe they don’t own anything of great value. But having a will is beneficial for everyone -- not only people who own their homes or who have minor children.

You may have a family heirloom, or a collection of items, or certain objects that may not have a high dollar value but have special significance, memories, or sentimental value for specific loved ones. A will can help ensure that the things you leave go to the people you want to have them. A will can also help ensure that your funeral wishes are honored.

At The Vaillancourt Law Firm, we do more than draft your will. We develop a complete estate strategy that meets your family’s unique needs.

Estate Planning for Loved Ones With Special Needs

If you have a loved one with special needs, there are important considerations to take into account when creating an estate plan.

People who are receiving benefits from programs such as Social Security and Medicaid could lose their benefits if an inheritance puts them over the program’s income limits. It’s crucial that bequests to loved ones with special needs don’t make them ineligible for their benefits.

Several estate planning tools are available, such as funding a special needs trust, that will protect loved ones with special needs from losing their benefits. This is an area that we focus on at The Vaillancourt Law Firm.

When you need personalized estate planning for your family, and you live in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, or Virginia, please contact us for a free consultation.

Farm Succession Planning

We help farmers keep their family farms in their families by creating wills and estate plans specially tailored to farmers and their needs.

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